All for the Heart of Jesus througt the Heart of Mary!

Written by Mother Adela Galindo, Founders SCTJM (Versión española)

This Consecration was said by the Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez
on May 14,
2005, in the Cenacle of 40 Hours of Prayer for America held in Miami, Florida.

Oh Sacred heart of Jesus, who have so loved the world, to the extreme, without sparing anything in order to save us and bestow on us your love, your life, your grace, your light and your truth. You are the open fountain from which the graces of salvation and conversion emanate abundantly. You are the open fountain from which the rivers of living water flow, purifying, transforming and revitalizing the whole of humankind.

From your Pierced Heart, Oh Jesus, the gift of the Holy Spirit flows with great power and strength for humanity. It is for this reason, that the American Continent comes before the Eucharist, desiring to consecrate itself entirely to Your Heart, recognizing that only in the contemplation of your Eucharistic Heart, opening up to the fulfillment of the designs of your Heart and with the disposition to be formed in sanctity, we will able to faithfully respond to the tremendous grace we have received by having been called by the Vicar of Christ, the Continent of Hope: the Continent of love and life.

America opens wide the doors of its heart to Christ the Redeemer today, and ask that each and every one of its inhabitants, its leaders, its families, its men and women; its youth and children, its elderly and sick, all of its countries and cities, and the entire Church of America, may experience in full, the powerful strength of the Holy Spirit, who comes to transform, purify and remove the stones from our hearts, in order to give us new hearts, hearts that are capable of being ardent witnesses of love in this Third Millennium.

May the living water that gushes forth from your Heart, renew, nourish, purify and revitalize the American Continent, in order that it may fulfill with love, sanctity and responsibility, the mission that you have entrusted in its hands. May our Continent, full of love for the Eucharist, become a beacon that shines forth the light of the Reign of your Heart: the civilization of love!

Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, you are the temple and sanctuary of the Spirit. In you, the sanctifying action of the Holy Spirit abides, with all of its power and strength. You are the masterpiece of the Spirit, and at the same time, His Bride. Your presence brings about the outpouring of the Spirit in the Church and in the world. Your nearness and your maternal prayer, evident from the beginning of the evangelization of this Continent, guarantees the presence of the Holy Spirit, and helps us to be ever willing to spread the love of Christ everywhere, with missionary ardor.

The American Continent, highly favored with the gift of your maternal image, engraved in the tilma of one of our indigenous people, desires to consecrate itself today, Oh Virgin Most Blessed, to your Immaculate and Maternal Heart. This continent desires to live within the spiritual Cenacle which is your Heart, so that within it, and accompanied by your intercession and maternal mediation, it may live a constant Pentecost.

In virtue of this consecration, Oh Heart of Mary Most Blessed, America asks that you may guard and protect us from all spiritual, social and physical danger. Protect us, oh Mother, from all confusion, from all violence, from all unfaithfulness or indifference towards our brothers and sisters. That our hearts may burn with the fire of the Spirit, just as your own Heart is set aflame with His love. United to you, who are the bearer par excellence of Christ to the world, may the American Continent be a special instrument in God's hands, to give to this cold and arid world, the joy, the love, the life, the light, the truth and the peace of the Savior.

Oh Hearts of Jesus and Mary, hope of America, hope of humanity! Hope, because in your perfect communion of love for God and mankind, you have given yourselves to the work of Redemption of the whole world. Today the Church of America, the entire continent, disposes itself with generosity and humility, to partake in the designs of mercy that the Two Hearts are manifesting for the entire world. That by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and by the powerful force of love that flows from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, America, this Eucharistic and Marian Continent, may be a faithful and efficacious instrument in order to promote in all hearts, a new civilization of love and life. Amen!

see: Spanish version...

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