Liturgical Calendar: January 2010

January 2010

Sunday's Readings: C                  Daily Readings: II

Mary, Mother of God
Friday, January 1st
Mary, Mother of God
Nm 6: 22-27 / Gal 4: 4-7/Lk 2: 16-21
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 67, 2-3, 5-6,8
R/.  "
May God bless us in his mercy"


Saturday, January 2nd
Saint Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, bishops and doctors of the Church
1 Jn 2: 22-28 / Jn 1: 19-28
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 98: 1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4

R/.  "
All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God"

 Saint Basil the Great

The Epiphany of te Lord
Sunday, January 3rd
The Epiphany of the Lord  
Is 60: 1-6 / Eph 3: 2-3a, 5-6 / Mt 2: 1-12
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 72: 1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13

R/. "Lord, every nation on earth will adore you"

Monday, January 4th

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, religious
1 Jn 3: 22- 4: 6 / Mt 4, 12-17, 23-25
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 2: 7bc-8, 10-12a  
R/. "I will give you all the nations for an inheritance"

Tuesday, January 5th
Saint John Neumann, bishop  
1 Jn 4: 7-10 / Mk 6: 34-44

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 72:1-2, 3-4, 7-8

R/.  "
Lord, every nation on earth will adore you"

Wednesday, January 6th
Blessed André Bessette, religious
1 Jn 4: 11-18 / Mk 6: 45-52
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 72: 1-2,10, 12-13

R/.  "
Lord, every nation on earth will adore you"

Thursday, January 7th
Saint Raymond of Peñafort, priest
1 Jn 4: 19-5:4 / Lk 4: 14-22a
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 72: 1-2, 14, 15bc, 17
R/. "Lord, every nation on eatrh will adore you"

Friday, January 8th

1 Jn 5: 5-13 / Lk 5: 12-16
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 147: 12-13, 14-15, 19-20  
R/. "Praise the Lord, Jerusalem"

Saturday, January 9th
1 Jn 5:14-21 / Jn 3: 22-30
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 149: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6a, 9b
R/. "The Lord takes delight in his people"

Saint Elizabeth Seton

Saint John Neumann
Blessed Andre Bessette, CSC
Blessed Andre Bessette

Saint Raymond of Peñafort

The Baptism of the Lord
Sunday, January 10th
The Baptism of the Lord 
 Is 40: 1-5, 9-11 / Ti 2: 11-14;3:4-7 / Lk 3: 15-16, 21-22
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 104: 1b-2, 3-4, 24-25, 27-28, 29-30
R/. "O bless the Lord, my soul"
Saint William

Monday, January 11th
I Week in Ordinary Time
1 Sm 1: 1-8  / Mk 1: 14-20
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 116: 12-13. 14-17. 18-19  
R/.  "To you, Lord, I will offer a sacrifice of praise"

Tuesday, January 12th
I Week in Ordinary Time
1 Sm 1: 9-20  / Mk 1: 21-28
Responsorial Psalm: 1 Sm 2: 1. 4-5. 6-7. 8abcd  
R/.  "My heart exults in the Lord, my Savior"

Wednesday, January 13th
I Week in Ordinary Time
Saint Hilary, bishop and doctor of the Church
1 Sm 3: 1-10. 19-20 / Mk 1: 29-39
esponsorial Psalm: Ps 40: 2 y 5. 7-8a. 8b-9. 10  
R/.  "Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will"

Thursday, January 14th
I Week in Ordinary Time
1 Sm 4: 1-11 / Mk 1: 40-45
esponsorial Psalm: Ps 43: 10-11. 14-15. 24-25  
R/.  "Redeem us, Lord, because of your mercy"

Friday, January 15th

I Week in Ordinary Time
1 Sm 8: 4-7. 10-22a / Mk 2: 1-12
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 89, 16-17. 18-19  
R/.  "Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord"

Saturday, January 16th
I Week in Ordinary Time
1 Sm  9: 1-4, 17-19; 10:1 / Mk 2: 13-17
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 21: 2-3, 4-5, 6-7

R/.  "Lord, in your strength the king is glad"

 Saint William

 Saint Hilary

Saint Sebastian
Sunday, January 17th
II Sunday in Ordinary Time  
Is 62: 1-5 / 1 Cor 12: 4-11 / Jn 2: 1-11
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 96: 1-2, 2-3, 7-8, 9-10  
R/.  "Proclaim his marvelous deeds to all the nations"

Monday, January 18th
II Week in Ordinary Time
1 Sm 15: 16-23 / Mk 2: 18-22
Responsorial Psalm: Ps
50: 8-9. 16bc-17. 21 and 23  
R/.  "To the upright I will show the saving power of God

Tuesday, January 19th
II Week in Ordinary Time
1 Sm 16: 1-13 / Mk 2: 23-28
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 89, 20. 21-22, 27-28  
R/.  "I have found David, my servant"

Wednesday, January 20th
II Week in Ordinary Time
Saint Fabian, pope and martyr
Saint Sebastian, martyr

1 Sm 17: 32-33, 37, 40-51 / Mk 3: 1-6
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 144: 1b, 2, 9-10  
R/.  "Blessed be the Lord, my Rock"

Thursday, January 21st
II Week in Ordinary Time
Saint Agnes, virgin and martyr

1 Sm 18: 6-9; 19, 1-7 / Mk 3: 7-12
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 56: 2-3, 9-10a, 10b-11, 12-13  
R/.  "In God I trust; I shall not fear"

Friday, January 22nd
II Week in Ordinary Time
Saint Vincent, deacon and martyr

Blessed Laura Vicuña
1 Sm 24: 3-21 / Mk 3, 13-19
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 57: 2, 3-4, 6 and 11 
R/.  "Have mercy on me, God, have mercy"

Saturday, January 23rd
II Week in Ordinary Time
Saint Ildefonso, bishop

2 Sm 1: 1-4. 11-12. 19. 23-27 / Mk 3: 20-21
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 80: 2-3. 5-7
R/.  "Let us see your face, Lord, and we shall be saved"
Saint Agnes

 Saint Vincent

Blessed Laura Vicuña
Saint Ildefonso

Saint Francis de Sales
Sunday, January 24th
III Sunday in Ordinary Time
Neh 8: 2-4a, 5-6, 8-10 / 1 Cor 12: 12-30 / Lk 1: 1-4; 4: 14-21
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 19: 8, 9, 10, 15
R/.  "Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life"

Saint Francis de Sales, bishop and doctor of the Church

Monday, January 25th

III Week in Ordinary Time
The Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle
Acts 22: 3-16 or 9: 1-22 / Mk 16: 15-18
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 117: 1bc, 2  
R/.  "Go out to all the world and tell the Good News"

Tuesday, January 26th
III Week in Ordinary Time
Saint Timothy and Titus, bishops
2 Tm 1: 1-8 or Ti 1: 1-5 / Lk 10: 1-9
esponsorial Psalm: Ps 96: 1-2a, 2b-3, 7-8a, 10  
R/.  "Proclaim God's marvelous deeds to all the nations"

Wednesday, January 27th
III Week in Ordinary Time
Saint Angela Merici, virgin

2 Sm  7: 4-17 / Mk 4: 1-20
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 89: 4-5, 27-28, 29-30
R/.  "Forever I will maintain my love for my servant"

Thursday, January 28th
III Week in Ordinary Time
Saint Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor of the Church

2 Sm 7: 18-19. 24-29 / Mk 4: 21-25
esponsorial Psalm: Ps 132: 1-2, 3-5, 11, 12, 13-14  
R/.  "The Lord God will give him the throne of David, his father"

Friday, January 29th
III Week in Ordinary Time
2 Sm 11:1-4a. 5-10a.13-17/ Mk 4: 26-34
Responsorial Psalm: Ps
51: 3-4, 5-6a, 6bcd-7, 10-11  
R/.  "Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned"

Saturday, January 30th
III Week in Ordinary Time
2 Sm 12: 1-7a, 10-17 / Mk 4: 35-41
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 51: 12-13, 14-15, 16-17 
R/.  "Create a clean heart in me, O God."

Conversión of Saint Paul

Saint Timothy

Saint Angela Merici

Saint Thomas Aquinas

Saint John Bosco
Sunday, January 31st
IV Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jer 1: 4-5. 17-19 / 1 Cor 12: 31-13, 13 / Lk 4: 21-30
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 71: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 15, 17   
R/.  "I will sing of your salvation"

Saint John Bosco, priest

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