Liturgical Calendar: October 2009 |

Sunday's Readings: B Daily Readings: I
 Saint Therese of the Child Jesus | Thursday, October 1st
XXVI Week of Ordinary Time Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, Church's Doctor Neh 8, 1-4. 5-6. 7-12 / Lk 10, 1-12 Responsorial Psalm: Ps 18, 8. 9. 10. 11 R/. "The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart"
Friday, October 2nd
XXVI Week of Ordinary Time Guardian Angels Bar 1, 15-22 / LK 10, 13-16 Responsorial Psalm: Ps 78, 1-2. 3-5. 8. 9 R/. "For the glory of your name, O Lord, deliver us"
Saturday, October 3rd
XXVI Week of Ordinary Time Saint Francis of Borja, Pastor Bar 4, 5-12. 27-29 / Lk 10, 17-24 Responsorial Psalm: Ps 68, 33-35. 36-37 R/. "The Lord listens to the poor"
|  Guardian Angels |  Saint Francis Borja |
 Saint Francis of Assisi | Sunday, October 4th
XXVII Sunday in Ordinary Time Gen 2, 18-24 / Heb 2, 9-11 / Mk 10, 2-16 Responsorial Psalm: Ps 127, 1-2. 3. 4-5. 6 R/. "May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives" Saint Francis of Assisi, Founder and religious
Monday, October 5th
XXVII Week of Ordinary Time Saint Maria Faustina Jon 1, 1--2, 1.11 / Lk 10, 25-37 Responsorial Psalm: Jon 2, 3. 4. 5. 8 R/. "You will rescue my life from the pit, O Lord"
Tuesday, October 6th
XXVII Week of Ordinary Time Blessed Bartolo Longo Jon 3, 1-10 / Lk 10, 38-42 Responsorial Psaml: Ps 129, 1-2. 3-4. 7bc-8 R/. "If you, O Lord, mark iniquities, who can stand?"
Wednesday, October 7th
XXVII Week of Ordinary Time Our Lady of the Rosary Jon 4, 1-11 / Lk 11, 1-4 Responsorial Psalm: Ps 85, 3-4. 5-6. 9-10 R/. "Lord, you are merciful and gracious"
Thursday, October 8
XXVII Week of Ordinary Time Mal 3, 13-20 / Lk 11, 5-13 Responsorial Psalm: Ps 1, 1-2. 3. 4 y 6 R/. "Blessed are they who hope in the Lord"
Friday, October 9th
XXVII Week of Ordinary Time Saint Denis, Bishop and martyrs companios Jl 1, 13-15; 2, 1-2 / Lk 11, 15-26 Responsorial Psalm: Ps 9, 2-3. 6 y 16. 8-9 R/. "The Lord will judge the world with justice"
Saturday, October 10th XXVII Week of Ordinary Time Saint Thomas of Villanueva Jl 4, 12-21 / Lk 11, 27-28 Responsorial Psalm: Ps 96, 1-2. 5-6. 11-12 R/. "Rejoice in the Lord, you just" |  Saint Mary Faustina |  Blessed Bartolo Longo |  Our Lady of the Rosary |  Saint Thomas of Villanueva |
 Our Lady of the Pillar | Sunday, October 11th
XXVIII Sunday in Ordinary Time Wis 7, 7-11 / Heb 4, 12-13 / Mk 10, 17-30 Responsorial Psalm: Sl 89, 12-13. 14-15. 16-17 R/. "Fill us with you love, O Lord, and we will sing for joy!" Saint Soledad Torres Acosta, Virgin
Monday, October 12th